Thursday, 22 September 2011

Fashion and Feet-based Feuding

Beautiful Bloggees

So a few hours ago I got in from seeing Gok Wan in West Quay. Literally IMMENSE experience, not only did I get to see the only overly camp gay guy who I can actually tolerate in person, and get immersed in a massive atmosphere (I love community!), I might be on the tele in 5 weeks. All-in-all, a few hours of my life well spent... and£50wellspentonchinosandanewshirtbecauseIdidn'twannafeeluntrendyinfrontofGok.

Anyway, got home, unpacked my college bag, got changed, all them generic things you do when you get in, and then a friend pops up on chat, telling me to somehow look at my ex's profile. We've since sorted our differences, and get along now, but still have one another blocked on Facebook for reasons quite surreal. Anyway, I log onto a friend's Facebook to take a peak (Blocking works so well huh?) and see the following:

I can hear the groans of 'ugh paranoia' 'ugh not everything's about him' 'ugh wrong end of the stick' from you all, but actually, for ONCE, have really good reason to suspect it's about me:

  1. The friend who told me to look OBVIOUSLY thought the same, and thought to inform me.
  2. 'Just sayin'' is something I notoriously say...
  3. Ex's Faghag #1 never liked me.
  4. Other Dickhead Ex commented, whom doesn't particularly like me at the minute.
  5. And 5. is the big one... I'm the ONLY fucking male I know with size 5 feet. Literally, think about it, it's a rare thing right?
The really fucking awful bit? The only reason I can think of why I'd 'need a slap' is issues with current boyfriend, who has a class with Dickhead Ex.

Backstabbed, irritated, furious? I think so. Why put a status alluding to me when we're not friends, so if it had not been for someone else mentioning it, I never would've seen it? Y U NO LOGICAL

Yours covalently

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